Traditions and Innovation in the Performance Practice of Jazz Violinists of the Turn of the 20th and 21st Centuries Joe Venutti and David Goloshchekin
The 20th century was characterized by the emergence of many musical styles, among which jazz
turned out to be the most resilient and resistant to the changes of cultural paradigms. Throughout the
century jazz had retained its inherent system of expressive means and, at the same time, revealed
the ability to integrate itself with other musical styles. The uniqueness of jazz lies not only in the
fact that it is an integral part of the art of music and is not limited to specific musical vocabulary
(melody, harmony, rhythm, or texture), but also that it includes many characteristic extra-musical
qualities (visual, communicative, artistic behavior of musicians on stage, etc.). The performance
practice of jazz violinists of the turn of the 20th and the 21st centuries (Joe Venuti and David
Goloshchekin) has been conducive to appreciation of the violin as a full-fledged instrument in
jazz ensembles on a par with the traditional jazz instruments, such as the saxophone, the trumpet,
the flugelhorn, etc. The artistic activities of the musicians contributed both to the expansion of the
traditional framework of jazz performance and to the enrichment of the violin art with innovative
nuanced and timbre-related techniques of playing.
Keywords: jazz violin performance, Joe Venuti, David Goloshchekin.
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