The Prospects of Applying Artificial Intelligence in Musical Composition
The article demonstrates the specificity of Artificial Intelligence in musical
composition. As a result of theoretical analysis of the work of the algorithms of intellectual systems,
the range of the capabilities of such systems and the prospects for their further improvement are
determined. The novelty of the research in comparison with other scholarly articles in this field
consists in systematizing present-day programs designed for composing and improvising music,
comparing the algorithms of activity and determining the advantages and disadvantages of Artificial
Intelligence as an instrument for composing music. The improvement of the algorithms of Artificial
Intelligence in the field of musical composition will determine the long-term prospects of its use
and the viability of computer-created musical works. But the most important aspect is that computer
media, being essentially accessorial systems, will not replace a living human being in creativity,
but, embedded in the writing process, will help him realize his artistic plans and heuristic creative
ideas. According to the results of the study, the conclusion was arrived at regarding the prospects of
using Artificial Intelligence in musical composition, which consists not of copying existent music of
different styles, but in the search for entirely new sounds, styles, images and sound effects, as well
as discovering new and limitless opportunities for composing music. The undoubtable advantage of
the development and use of Artificial Intelligence in musical composition has always been and still
remains in the opportunity given to everyone, not only professionals, but also amateurs who want
to encounter the mystery of musical and artistic activities, to immerse themselves in this fascinating
process, to express themselves artistically, to develop and increase their artistic abilities, and to
realize their ideas in music, which would become a new message in the knowledge of the world
and humanity. This is accessible to all those who wish to partake of this process: both professionals
and amateurs.
Keywords: Artificial Intellect, music, composition, writing, improvisation, algorithm, program,
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