Трансдисциплинарный подход к изучению музыкальных явлений: теория информации и её воздействие на различные области музыкознания
Ключевые слова: трансдисциплинарность, синергетический подход, теория информации, музыкально-компьютерные технологии, музыкальное образование, научно-методическая лаборатория «Музыкально-компьютерные технологии» Российского педагогического университета им. А. И. Герцена
Полный текст:
Gorbunova I. B., Zalivadny M. S. Muzyka, matematika, informatika: grani vzaimodeistviya: monografiya [Music, Mathematics, Computer Science: Facets of Interaction: Monograph]. St. Peterburg: Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, 2017. 295 p.
Gorbunova I. B., Zalivadny M. S. The Integrative Model for the Semantic Space of Music: Perspectives of Unifying Musicology and Musical Education. Problemy muzykal'noi nauki / Music Scholarship. 2018. No. 4, pp. 55‒64. https://doi.org/10.17674/1997-0854.2018.4.055-064
Gorbunova I. B., Zalivadny M. S. Leonhard Euler’s Theory of Music: Its Present-Day Significance and Influence on Certain Fields of Musical Thought. Problemy muzykal'noi nauki / Music Scholarship. 2019. No. 3, pp. 104–111. https://doi.org/10.17674/1997-0854.2019.3.104-111
Gorbunova I. B. The Integrative Model for the Semantic Space of Music and a Contemporary Musical Educational Process: The Scientific and Creative Heritage of Mikhail Borisovich Ignatyev. Laplage em Revista (Sorocaba). 2020. Vol. 6, No. S, pp. 2‒13. https://doi.org/10.24115/S2446-622020206Especial940p.2-13
Zubareva N. B. Muzykal'no-lingvisticheskie universalii: opyt realizatsii “iskusstvometricheskogo” podkhoda: dis. … d-ra iskusstvovedeniya [Musical and Linguistic Universals: Experience in Implementing the “Art-Metric” Approach: Dissertation for the Degree of Dr.Sci. (Arts)]. Perm, 2010. 271 p.
Gorbunova I. B., Zalivadny M. S. O matematicheskikh metodakh v issledovanii muzyki i podgotovke muzykantov [On Mathematical Methods in the Study of Music and Training of Musicians]. Problemy muzykal'noi nauki / Music Scholarship. 2013. No. 1, pp. 264‒268.
Korsakova I. A. Muzykal'naya informatsiya v kontekste muzykal'noi kommunikatsii [Musical Information in the Context of Musical Communication]. Dostizheniya vuzovskoi nauki [Achievements of University Science]. 2013. No. 6, pp. 27‒31.
Korsakova I. A. Muzykal'naya kommunikatsiya: genezis i istoriko-kul'turnye transformatsii: dis. … d-ra kul'turologii [Musical Communication: Genesis and Historical and Cultural Transformations: Dissertation for the Degree of Dr.Sci. (Culturology)]. Moscow, 2014. 362 p.
Minaev E. A. Muzykal'no-informatsionnoe pole v evolyutsionnykh protsessakh iskusstva: dis. ... d-ra iskusstvovedeniya [Musical and Information Field in Evolutionary Processes of Art: Dissertation for the Degree of Dr.Sci. (Arts)]. Moscow, 2000. 475 p.
Polozov S. P. O nulevoi emotsional'noi i smyslovoi informativnosti v avangardnoi muzyke [About the Zero-Level Emotional and Semantic Information Capability in Avant-garde Music]. Avangard, sovremennaya i novaya muzyka: tvorchestvo, ispolnitel'stvo, pedagogika: sbornik statei po materialam mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii [Avant-garde, Contemporary and New Music: Creativity, Performance, Pedagogy: A Compilation of Articles from the International Practical Research Conference]. Perm, 2010, pp. 154–160.
Sargsyan M. E. Sintez kiberneticheskikh, filosofskikh podkhodov v osmyslenii protsessa vospriyatiya muzykal'noi informatsii [Synthesis of Cybernetic, Philosophical Approaches in Understanding the Process of Perception of Musical Information]. Sovremennoe muzykal'noe obrazovanie — 2010. Materialy IX Mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii [Modern Music Education — 2010. Materials of the 9th International Scientific and Practical Conference]. St. Petersburg: Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia, 2011, pp. 137–140.
Gorbunova I. B., Alieva I. G. Musical Creativity of Oral Tradition: to the Problem of Conservation of Intangible Cultural Heritage. Mir nauki, kul'tury, obrazovaniya. 2017. No. 6, pp. 314‒318. (In Russ.)
Alieva I. G., Gorbunova I. B. The Use of the Fuzzy Approach in the Study of the Patterns of Organization and Perception of Musical Text and Musical Computer Technologies. Regional Informatics and Information Security: Collection of Proceedings of the St. Petersburg Interregional Conference “Information Security of Russian Regions” and St. Petersburg International Conference “Regional Informatics”. St. Petersburg, 2022. Issue 11, pp. 281‒285. (In Russ.)
Alieva I. G., Gorbunova I. B. About Unclear Methods of Analysis of Pitch in Music. Mir nauki, kul'tury, obrazovaniya. 2017. No. 3, pp. 171‒174. (In Russ.)
Alieva I. G., Gorbunova I. B. Music, Mathematics, Computer Science: Semantic and Technological Problems of Interaction. Regional Informatics and Information Security: Collection of Proceedings of the St. Petersburg Interregional Conference “Information Security of Russian Regions” and St. Petersburg International Conference “Regional Informatics”. St. Petersburg, 2020. Issue 8, pp. 302‒304.
Budanov V. G. Transdistsiplinarnoe obrazovanie, tekhnologii i printsipy sinergetiki [Transdisciplinary Education, Technologies and Principles of Synergetics]. Sinergeticheskaya paradigma: Mnogoobrazie poiskov i podkhodov [Synergetic Paradigm: Variety of Searches and Approaches]. Moscow: Progress-Traditsiya, 2000, pp. 285–305.
Budanov V. G. Evolyutsiya distsiplinarnogo znaniya kak protsess mezhdistsiplinarnogo soglasovaniya [Evolution of Disciplinary Knowledge as a Process of Interdisciplinary Coordination]. Sinergeticheskaya paradigma. Chelovek i obshchestvo v usloviyakh nestabil'nosti [Synergetic Paradigm. Man and Society in Conditions of Instability]. Moscow: Progress-Traditsiya, 2003, pp. 331‒340.
Kiyashchenko L. P. Sinergetika slozhnostnosti i transinstitutsional'naya matritsa innovatiki [Synergetics of Complexity and the Transinstitutional Matrix of Innovation]. Sinergeticheskaya paradigma: Sinergetika innovatsionnoi slozhnosti [Synergetic Paradigm: Synergetics of Innovative Complexity]. Moscow: Progress-Traditsiya, 2011, pp. 114‒126.
Zhurova E. B. Sinergeticheskii podkhod v issledovanii muzykal'nogo iskusstva barokko na primere prezentatsii monografii “Smyslovye miry muzyki Ioganna Sebast'yana Bakha” [Synergetic Approach to the Study of Baroque Musical Art Using the Example of the Presentation of the Monograph “The Meaningful Worlds of the Music of Johann Sebastian Bach”]. Sovremennoe muzykal'noe obrazovanie — 2021: tvorchestvo, nauka, tekhnologii: materialy XX Mezhdunarodnoi nauchno-prakticheskoi konferentsii [Contemporary Musical Education — 2021: Creative Work, Research and Technology: Materials of the 20th International Research and Practical Conference]. St. Petersburg, 2023, pp. 237‒244.
Gorbunova I. B., Zalivadny M. S. The Trans-disciplinary Approach to the Study of Musical Phenomena: Probability Theory and its Application to Musical Theory and Practice. Art Criticism. 2023. No. 4, pp. 17‒32. (In Russ.)
Gorbunova I. B., Zalivadny M. S. The Zonal Theory of Musical Time and the Trans- Disciplinary Approach to the Study of Musical Phenomena. Problemy muzykal'noi nauki / Music Scholarship. 2023. No. 3, pp. 8–22. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.56620/2782-3598.2023.3.008-022
Demchenko A. I. The Imperishable Johann Sebastian: Universum. Problemy muzykal'noi nauki / Music Scholarship. 2023. No. 1, pp. 8–22. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.56620/2782-3598.2023.1.008-022
Viladot L., Hilton C., Casals A., et al. The Integration of Music and Mathematics Education in Catalonia and England: Perspectives on Theory and Practice. Music Education Research. 2018. Vol. 20, No. 1, pp. 71–82. https://doi.org/10.1080/14613808.2017.1290595
Pigott T. D., Polanin J. R. Methodological Guidance Paper: High-Quality Meta-Analysis in a Systematic Review. Review of Educational Research. 2019. Vol. 90, No. 1, pp. 24–46. https://doi.org/10.3102/0034654319877153
Tymoczko D. Hierarchical Set Theory. Journal of Mathematics and Music. 2022. Vol. 17, Issue 2, pp. 282–290. https://doi.org/10.1080/17459737.2021.2008035
Gorbunova I. B., Alieva I. G. Concerning the Project of Intellectual System of Cataloguing and Analysing of the World’s Peoples Music. Society: Philosophy, History, Culture. 2016. No. 9, pp. 105‒108. (In Russ.)
Aliyeva I. G., Gorbunova I. B. The Intonational System of Azerbaijani Modes: A Study with the Use of Computer Technologies. ICONI. 2022. No. 1, pp. 79‒91. https://doi.org/10.33779/2658-4824.2022.1.079-091
Aliyeva I. G., Gorbunova I. B. Rossiya-Azerbaidzhan: k probleme sokhraneniya nematerial'nogo kul'turnogo naslediya i muzykal'no-komp'yuternye tekhnologii [Russia- Azerbaijan: to the Problem of Preserving Intangible Cultural Heritage and Musical Computer Technologies]. Filosofiya obrazovaniya i dialog pokolenii: Sbornik nauchnykh trudov XXIX Mezhdunarodnoi konferentsii “Rebenok v sovremennom mire. Dialog pokolenii” [Philosophy of Education and Dialogue of Generations: Collection of Scientific Papers of the 29th International Conference “Child in the Modern World. Dialogue of Generations”]. St. Petersburg, 2023, pp. 426‒433.
Karpov A. A. Audiovizual'nye rechevye interfeisy v assistivnykh informatsionnykh tekhnologiyakh: dis. … d-ra tekhnicheskikh nauk [Audiovisual Speech Interfaces in Assistive Information Technologies: Dissertation for the Degree of Dr.Sci. (Technics)]. St. Petersburg, 2013. 325 p.
Karpov A. A. Modeli i programmnaya realizatsiya raspoznavaniya russkoi rechi na osnove morfemnogo analiza: avtoref. dis. … kand. tekhnicheskikh nauk [Models and Software Implementation of Russian Speech Recognition Based on Morphemic Analysis: Thesis of Dissertation for the Degree of Cand.Sci. (Technics)]. St. Petersburg, 2007. 18 p.
Karpov A. A., Kipyatkova I. S. Metodologiya otsenivaniya raboty sistem avtomaticheskogo raspoznavaniya rechi [Methodology for Assessing the Performance of Automatic Speech Recognition Systems]. Izvestiya vuzov. Priborostroenie = Journal of Instrument Engineering. 2012. Vol. 55, No. 11, pp. 38‒43.
Karpov A. A., Kipyatkova I. S., Ronzhin A. L. Proektirovanie rechevykh interfeisov dlya informatsionno-upravlyayushchikh sistem: uchebnoe posobie [Designing Speech Interfaces for Information Management Systems: A Tutorial]. St. Petersburg: GUAP, 2012. 75 p.
Alieva I. G., Gorbunova I. B., Mezentseva S. V., He Unchuan, Chibirev S. V. Creation of a National Electronic Musical Synthesizer with the Timbres of Traditional Musical Instruments of the Peoples of Russia and the World. Regional Informatics (RI-2022). Anniversary 18th St. Petersburg International Conference. Proceeding of the Conference. St. Petersburg, 2022, pp. 292‒295.
Alieva I. G., Gorbunova I. B. International Research and Educational Centre “Musical Computer Technologies”: Innovative Strategies of the Information Society. Communication Strategies of the Information Society: Proceedings of the 14th International Scientific-Theoretical Conference, November 17–18, 2022. St. Petersburg, 2022, pp. 245–251. (In Russ.)
DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.56620/2782-3598.2024.2.180-199
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