The Zonal Theory of Musical Time and the Trans-Disciplinary Approach to the Study of Musical Phenomena
The study of the factors of uncertainty in the system of musical thought has become a subject of fixed attention on the part of music researchers, partially being in advance of certain analogous results in the spheres of the exact sciences. The synergetic approach, stipulated by processes of development of contemporary science, is determined by the substantiation of its application towards their studies, not only in the natural sciences, but also in the humanitarian disciplines and becomes an important instrument of cognition and interpretation of the semantic structures of all the temporal arts, including the art of music. the article examines a number of endeavors to study the probabilistic-statistic natural laws of music presented in Ludwik Bielawski’s book The Zonal Theory of Time and its Meanings for Musical Anthropology: The Endeavor of Definition of the Place and the Role in the History of Theoretic Musicology (Krakow, 1976), in which the natural laws of the functioning of musical levels on various levels and in the various forms of its manifestation. The authors of the article give attention to the use in scholarly research works devoted to this problem range of music computer technologies which has served as a basis for the possibility of creating new theoretic and experimental-practical means of studying music, including the factors of indeterminacy in music applied to the sphere of musical education researched with the means of music computer technologies. In this connection, the article elucidates a number of new educational directions and programs developed by the members of the learning and teaching laboratory “Music Computer Technologies” of the Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia called to provide the preparation of specialists who possessed various forms and means of the transdisciplinary approach to studies of musical phenomena and processes.
Keywords: trans-disciplinarity, synergetic approach, probabilistic-static methods in musicology, music computer technologies, musical education, learning and teaching laboratory “Music Computer Technologies” of the Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia
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