To Verify Algebra with Harmony (About Beslan Ashkhotov’s Book “The Musical Nartiad: An Attempt of Research”)
Abstract. The author of the article examines the theoretical-conceptual, methodological
reference point in Beslan Ashkhotov’s monograph “The Musical Nartiad: An Attempt of Research.”
The high academic level of the research is noted. It is emphasized that the monograph offers an
original method of analysis and evaluation of the stage of development of the Nart epos and its
ethnic stratification on the basis of a systemic demonstration of the specific features of the music
of the epos – the musical Nartiad. The methodology presented in the book may be transferred onto
any other ethnic culture.
Keywords: “Narty” heroic epos, dialogue of cultures, music in the system of epos, folk music
of the Northern Caucasus
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