The Musical Life of Transboundary Altai as an Expression of Universal Spiritual Values in the Contemporary Dialogue of Cultures
The object of research in the presented article is the musical culture of the Altai, which during
the course of the century was able to take an important position in the dialogue of cultures of
adjacently situated countries. On the basis of a wide range of historical material, examination is
made of the formation of the musical culture of the Altai as existing in the deep organic unity of
the European and Russian cultures and the folklore culture of the peoples inhabiting the region.
The process of the search for its identification is studied. A substantial position is left by the
authors to the analysis of formation of cultural milieu in the Russian regions where through the
means of the musical art people of different nationalities and faiths have gathered together into an
intercommunity, which is so indispensable for the present-day civilization. Examples are given of
cross-cultural interaction by musical means between the Altai and the adjacently situated regions,
which solidifies its significance as a transboundary region. Examples are shown of the rise of
authority of the musical culture of the Altai, as demonstrated by the achievements of composers,
performers and directors of well-known musical ensembles. Analysis is presented of the touring
activities of well-known musicians which was conducive to the rise of cultural demands of the
listeners and as a consequence – to the rise of interest in the local performers.
In consideration of the world crisis caused by the pandemic, the authors draw their attention
towards certain optimistic prospects in the domain of the art of music, presuming that the aspiration
towards high spiritual values is ingrained in the human being’s genetic code, and this, in its turn,
may lead to an alleviation of international confrontations by means of the continually developing
dialogue between different cultures.
Keywords: transboundary Altai, musical art of the Altai, Russia between West and East, dialogue
of cultures.
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