The Organization and Content of Musical Performance Training in the Higher National Conservatories of Music and Dance in Paris and Lyon
On the wave of the multi-vectored processes in higher musical education of performing musicians
in many ways conditioned by social transformations and the practice of the contemporary art of
music generated by parallel means in different European countries, particularly France primarily
accepted the Bologne Convention in 2008 as a convenient model, on the other hand, for broad
partner interaction and mutual enrichment and, on the other hand – of an artistic “restoration” of a
historically established original system of higher musical education for performers in this country.
The article shows the particularities of reorganization of the structure, the principle of bestowing
scholarly degrees in the two most prestigious higher educational institutions – the Paris and
Lyon Higher Conservatories of Music and Dance. Conclusions are arrived at about the immense
potentials and particularities of the tendencies of development of the transnational convention twovectored
in its nature, the acceptance of which opens up new prospects for extending the range of
acquired specializations and the intellectualization of training in higher educational institutions in
our country.
Keywords: system of higher education, conservatories of France, Bologne Convention.
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