The Particular Features of Students’ Scholarly-Research and Artistic Activities from the 1960s to the 1980s by the Example of the Ufa State Institute for the Arts
The present article researches the particular features of student scholarship by the example of
the Ufa State Institute for the Arts during the time of its flourishing. This educational institution
pertains to the artistic category of higher educational institutions, so the basic types of the
students’ work in the field of scholarly research have been of cultural-aesthetic, artistic-creative
and educational character, free of economic indicators or statistics. The article discusses the
specific features of the Students’ Scholarly Society’s work in this artistic educational institution.
The authors have carried out detailed analysis of archival documents, which are published for
the first time. The importance of scholarly student communities for expanding one’s perspective,
deepening of knowledge in the major field of studies, broad communication, exchange of
experience, and connections with other higher educational institutions in the country is revealed.
Generalizations are made of data about the participation of students in scholarly research work
during tutorial and non-tutorial hours. Demonstration is made of the students’ and their advisors’
achievements, and facts testifying of the primary activities of students’ scholarly communities,
and, in addition, facts are cited testifying of the primary activities of the students’ scholarly
communities, including their concert performance activities.
Keywords: Ufa State Institute of Arts, Students’ Scholarly Society (SSS), Students’ Work on Scholarly
Research (SWSR), concert performance activities, competition,
folklore expedition, Olympic games, ensemble.
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