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Author Guidelines

Accepted Format for Manuscripts Submitted to the International Center

The journal includes publications of articles in English, as well as in the original languages of the writers with Russians translations made by the editorial staff.

Accepted Format for Manuscripts

Typesetting of article texts must be carried out on computers in the MS Word program (A4 format, one-and-a-half line spacing, font size 14, Times New Roman, automatic hyphenation, justified alignment). The length of articles is permitted to be no less than 10 pages, including music examples, illustrations, schemes, appendixes, footnotes, bibliography, annotations and keywords. The name and surname of the author, as well as the name of institution he or she is affiliated are indicated in the beginning of the article.

References are placed after the main text (at the end of it) in the form of footnotes. All the highlighting of text inside citations must be specified in square brackets [author’s italics - …] or [my italics. - …]. Reference to bibliographical literature must be made within the text in square brackets (for example: [12, p. 25]).

Schemes, tables, photographs and pictures must be numbered and are presented with the titles (inscription) or headings.
Illustrations and music examples must be carried out by means of computer graphics or note-engraving. The engraved musical text must be transferred to the format of pictures with a 600 dpi resolution. The music examples must bear accompanying information about the composer of the musical composition, about its title, movement, etc.

Articles must be sent together with additional information sent in a separate file, which must include information about the author, contact data – his or her surname and name written out in full; ORCID ID; the complete name of his or her place of professional affiliation; work or home address; telephone and e-mail address.

Compiling Annotations

Annotations must be written by the authors in English. They must contain from 200 to 250 words. The author’s resume shall be published independently, separately from the main text and, consequently, the content of the article must be comprehensible without the necessity to familiarize with the publication itself. The title of the article and the information contained in it must not be repeated in the text of the author’s resume.

The keywords must consist of 5–10 words.

Compiling Biographical Information about the Author

Biographical information about the author must comprise a short text of no more than 100 words in English. Below is an example from the journal "Music Theory Pedagogy":

Thomas Christensen is currently Assistant Professor of Music Theory at the University of Pennsylvania. His degrees in theory are from Boston University, University of Michigan, and PhD from Yale University. He recently completed a year of study in Germany on a grant researching the reception of Rameau’s theory among early 18th-century German music theorists. He has presented numerous papers at regional and national meetings and will have forthcoming articles published in the Journal of Music Theory and Music Theory Spectrum.

The authors of the articles bear full responsibility for the precision and credibility of the information, citations, footnotes and bibliography. The articles shall undergo preliminary selection based on the resumes sent.


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The authors may not submit to the journal a manuscript which was prior sent to another, as well as an article published in another journal (except in abstract form of lectures, dissertation abstracts or electronic preprints, published partially).
  2. The authors may not submit to the journal a manuscript which is in the state of examination for consideration of publication in another journal.
  3. The decision of publishing works must be made with the consideration of the consent of all the authors (in cases of co-authorship).
  4. The text corresponds to stylistic and bibliographic requirements described at the section “Author Guidelines” at the website.

Copyright Notice


Authors, whose articles are accepted for publication in Russian Musicology, agree to the following:

  1. The authors retain the copyright for the work and grant the journal the right to publication under the terms of the  Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Licence (CC–BY–NC–ND).
  2. The authors reserve the right to enter into separate contractual agreements regarding the non-exclusive distribution of the version of the work published here (e.g., placing the article in the institution's repository), with reference to its original publication in this journal.
  3. Authors have the right to post their work on the Internet (e.g., on their personal site) before and during the review process by this journal, as this may lead to productive discussion and greater citation.

All copyrights on the articles belong to their authors. The author transfers the rights on using the article the Editorial Board.

PDF versions of scholarly articles of the journal are published by using the license Attribution Non-Commercial No Derivatives CC–BY–NC–ND, allowing loading and distributing works on the assumption of indicating the authorship. The works may not be changed in any way or used for commercial interests.


Criteria for Authorship, Co-authorship

The term “author” refers to all persons (co-authors) who have made a substantial contribution to conducting the research and creation of the manuscript and responsible for its content. The person (author) who has submitted the manuscript to the editorial board shall bear responsibility for the complete list of the group of authors and the changes made to the manuscript in accordance with the results of the peer reviewing and editing.

1. Authorship is based on the following criteria:

1) The author made a substantial contribution to the research activity and development of concept, collected the data, made analysis and interpretation of the data.

2) The author carried out the writing of the text of draft articles and edited it attentively and substantially.

3) The author approved the final version of the article prior to its submission.

4) The author bears responsibility for the integrity of all parts of the manuscript.

2. The authors shall guarantee that the submitted manuscript is the original work.

3. Scholarly reviews for some issue or other should be objective, present material in a wide range and at the same time take into account the views of the author of the review.

4. The authorship of scholarly publications is obligated to reflect accurately the contribution of individuals to the research activity, with specific information about the authors.

5. The authors may not mislead the readers by publishing acknowledgements of gratitude to people who were not actually involved in writing the work. Other persons who made contribution to the work, but are nevertheless not the authors, may be listed in the rubric of “Acknowledgements,” with indications of the type and extent of their activities.

6. Authors are obligated to provide a description of their contribution to the publication.

7. The order of authorship must be a joint resolution of co-authors. The authors should be ready to explain the order of their enumeration and listing.

8. The authors shall be entirely responsible for the correct definition of authorship acting in accordance with the rules adopted in their institution.

9. Investigators must ensure that only those persons who meet the criteria for authorship (that made a significant contribution to the work), shall be considered the authors, and the researchers who do not merit authorship will be excluded from the list of authors.


Privacy Statement

The names and the e-mails addresses presented at the website of the journal shall be used exclusively for the purposes indicated by the journal and shall not be used for any other purposes or made available to other persons and organizations.