Certain Trends in Instructing Musical Theory Courses Abroad

Tatiana N. Krasnikova


This article contains an analysis of educational literature on music theory outside of Russia, forming the perceptions of the trends in teaching this subject in Western Europe and America. Using the methods of comparative studies, the author aims to characterize the traditions and innovations of historically established pedagogical styles imprinted in 20th and 21st century textbooks and tutorial manuals. The result of the analysis is the conclusion arrived at about the variability of the subject, volume, structure, and dramaturgy of the courses, as well as the differences in the interpretation of the concepts and terms contained in them. The author of the article emphasizes that the experience of teaching courses on musical and theoretical disciplines outside of Russia has not been sufficiently studied in Russia and, undoubtedly, it should be considered by musicologists in our country when creating manuals pertaining to a new generation.

Keywords: musical pedagogy, teaching experience outside of Russia, methodology, textbooks, music theory, music analysis, terminology

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.56620/RM.2024.3.128-134


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