The Scholarly Activities of the Astrakhan State Conservatory

Liudmila V. Savvina


The Astrakhan State Conservatory, which was established in 1969, has played a significant role in the creation of an artistic atmosphere, as well as the spiritual and intellectual life of the city. It is emphasized in the article that Doctor of Arts, Professor Mark Etinger, who chaired the Music Theory and Music History Department for 29 years, actively participated in its organization. At the initial stage of the formation of this educational institution, in the 1970s, the conservatory’s scholarly activities were connected with two main directions: historic-theoretical musicology and regional musical culture. Theoretic musicology, devoted to the research of the issues of scales and modes, melody and harmony, found its reflection in the dissertations written for the Cand.Sci. degrees by faculty members of the Music Theory and Music History Department defended in the early 1980s. Questions related to musical content, form, style, genre, dramaturgy, musical symbolism, semiotics and folk music are actualized in them. Starting from the 1990s, two additional directions have undergone active elaboration at the Astrakhan Conservatory: “Philosophical and Aesthetical Issues of Artistic Culture and Art” and “Psychological and Pedagogical Issues of Musical and General Humanitarian Education.” The faculty members of the Astrakhan Conservatory have made an estimable contribution to musicology in this country, actively participating in Russian nationwide and international conferences in various cities in Russia and other countries.

Keywords: Astrakhan Conservatory, theoretical musicology, historical musicology, semiotics, musical content

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