Sound Design as an Educational Trend of Higher Education: Issues and Perspectives
This work researches the issues of instruction of the specialist sound designer in the sphere of work with sound who is endowed with present-day competence. Sound design is examined as a special type of artistic activity and as an educational direction in Russian higher education. Creation of sound by means of digital design already possesses its own history, theory and sphere of practice in the domain of education. The authors illuminate the new profile of the Master’s program “Information Technologies in Music and Sound Design” available at the Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia. The quality of the process of education must provide the necessity of instruction of high-level specialists on demand. Sonar design requires specific skills and complex attainments from the specialist. Offered for discussion are the professional competencies which are necessary for the sound designer to master as a specialist capable of applying the attained knowledge in various present-day spheres of professional activity. Characterization is provided for the complex of required disciplines of the examined educational program within the frameworks of the educational program within the frameworks of instruction of “Informational Systems and Technologies.” The experience of work of the tutorial methodological laboratory “Musical Computer Technologies” of the Herzen State Pedagogical University of Russia in this field are disclosed. The prospects of the development of the new educational direction are determined.
Keywords: musical computer technologies, sound design, sound designer, sonic designer, media culture, media-artistic creativity, Master’s program
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