Sound Drama: Stylistic Features and the Experience of Presentation in Early 21st Century Russian Art
The article is devoted to issues of research of synthetic genres of modern art. Substantiation
is made of the relevance of the genre of sound drama in contemporary artistic practice, which has
incorporated the traditions of music and drama theaters and has become an attractive experimental
platform for searching for new means of expression and theater production techniques. The stylistic
features of the sound drama genre are revealed on the basis of the study of bibliographic sources
and musicological literature. Descriptions are given of the traditional and innovative methods of
incorporating musical sound in the acoustic space of selected performances of the SounDrama
Studio and the Acoustic Reading Creative Laboratory under the leadership of Vladimir Pankov, as
well as the Center for Drama and Directing in Moscow (CDR).
Keywords: sound art, sound drama, Vladimir Pankov, Sound Drama Studio, Taisiya Kanygina,
Drama and Theater Production Center.
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