Musicology: “Knowledge about Lack of Knowledge” – Setting and Solving Problems
The article is devoted to the relevant issue of chronotypology of 20th and 21st century
art and its interpretation in the philosophical-aesthetical and musical-artistic scholarship.
Considering the rapidly changing landscape of the contemporary humanitarian field, the author
poses questions of reevaluation of both basic scholarly concepts and newly introduced concepts
directed at the explanation of new and unusual phenomena of art. The work addresses itself
to the concepts and utterances of well-known scholars (including Victor Bychkov, Nadezhda
Mankovskaya, Yuri Kholopov, etc.), as well as presently active composers (Victor Ekimovsky,
Vladimir Martynov, Anton Batagov, etc.). Special attention is paid to the discrepancies
found in the interpretations of certain fundamental categories of art, which provide a general
characterization of the present state of musicological knowledge. Questions of classification
of the stages of artistic-aesthetical knowledge; questions of the lexicon of cultural and musical
phenomena; questions of the methodology of studying new phenomena – this is the range of
issues which require definition and endowment of terms, appearing during the process of the
development of contemporary art.
Keywords: musicology, chronotypology, avant-garde, modernism, postmodernism,
postpostmodernism, metamodernism, aesthetics, lexicon of nonclassics, author.
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PDF (Russian)References
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