Sound Metaphors in Audiovisual Advertising: Musical and Cross-Linguistic Research on Sound Metaphor
This article presents the theoretical background to sound metaphors in musical and cross-linguistic research. This is followed by a study on the effect of disruptive strategies on the perception of the music-image adaption, originality, and appropriateness to the brand, based on watching and rating TV advertisements. Two versions of the latter have been used: the original one (as broadcasted) and one using a conventional non-disruptive soundtrack. 391 subjects with different types of expertise on watching and judging advertisements rated the ads, in addition to expressing preference between the presented versions. This research seeks to contribute to a better understanding of audiovisual disruption and how disruptions in the audio-video connections may affect the audience by either organizing a corpus of theoretical background on the matter or by empirically testing a hypothesis on that.
Keywords: music, audiovisual disruption, sound metaphor, advertising, soundtrack, asynchrony, contrast, symbolic analogy.
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