Modal Archetypes in the Traditional Music of the Buryats
The article examines for the first time the modal archetypes in the traditional music of the
Buryats – narrow-ranged three- and four-pitch modal structures which have a crucial significance
in the pitch organization of the song tradition. Applying the intonational-modal and structuraltypological
methods of analysis, the author represents modal archetypes for the first in the context
of the profound early folk music stratum of the ritual song tradition of the Western Buryats. The
typical modal archetypes are examined in the examples of the drinking songs arhiin duunuud and
the yokhoroy duunuud songs which accompany the Buryat yokhor round dance. The published
information helps specify the monodical nature of the Buryats’ modal thinking and, in all possibility,
the cognition of the specific features of traditional music thinking of the mythological variety. In
the subsequent research of modal archetypes, it is necessary to continue studying the question of
correlation of the universally combined and the specifically distinctive characteristic for the Buryat
monodical culture.
Keywords: mode, modal archetypes, monody, the song tradition of the Buryats.
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