Spirituality in the Aspect of Art
The article is focused on spirituality as a supernatural phenomenon actualized by generation
of meaning. While solving within the framework of a poly-paradigm approach the question
regarding the dual character of language, the authors postulate the thought that in the case of an
individual informational system as a self-organizing natural mechanism language will appear
in the guise of a product of activity, being a means of communication. On the other hand, in the
case of an individual conceptual system actualized by means of organization of an informational
system, language presents in itself a form of activity, demonstrating itself as a means of thinking.
At the same time, in both cases a special role is given to emotiveness – a linguistic category
which stipulates the motivation of meaning and form. When turning to visual poetry, the authors
demonstrate the fundamental incongruity of the analysis of an art work examined from the
position of a product of activity and the analysis of the selfsame art work as activity (activity of
thought). While the focus at the ready product provides the authorial utterance with the status
of a monologue (the communicative impact), the focus on activity initiates the tenability of the
harmonizing dialogue (communicative interaction) as an attempt to conciliate the contradictions
arising between the author and the reader. The hypothesis is voiced: analogously to the way that
nonsense demonstrates itself as the marker of soullessness, meaning generation correlates with
the spirit. Pushing off from the dual nature of the human being marked by the biological (material)
and social (spiritual) dimensions, the authors carry out the attempt of exegetics of such symbols
of the Old and the New Testaments as the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, the Cross and the
triunity of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
Keywords: language as a system, emotive qualities, biological (material) and social (spiritual)
dimensions of the human being.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.33779/2587-6341.2020.4.187-198
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