Concerning the Issue of Studying the Specific Features of Intonating in the Finnish-Ugric Monody of the Improvisational Kind
The article is devoted to the topical subject of cognitive ethnomusicology – the issue
of researching specific features of intonating in the monodic musical traditions of the Finnish-
Ugric peoples. Attention is focused on traditional musical improvisations which present a broad
domain in the traditions of various ethnic groups in their diversity of types and varieties. The
present subject is elucidated by examples of traditional improvisations of the Baltic-Finnish
groups in a comparative aspect, bringing in materials and data of researchers from Russia and
other countries obtained from musical examples pertaining to various cultures. The monodic
stratum of traditional musical improvisations, their communicative function and nature of sound
generation are actualized in the context of the traditions’ ideal of sound and are examined in
the context of the interaction between the vocal and instrumental elements in ethnic musical
Keywords: cognitive ethnomusicology, ethnic music, musical Finnish-Ugric studies, monodic
musical thinking, traditional improvisations, vocal/phonic imitations.
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