The Specificity of Self-Realization of Adolescents with the Musical Type of Giftedness
In contemporary society continuously more demands are applied to organization of allround
support of gifted children. On the state-managed level various purposeful programs
and specialized centers of supplementary education directed at the development of giftedness.
Musical education extensively facilitates the development of personality, especially during the
period of growing up. The article presents an analysis of characteristic manifestations of the
self-realization of adolescents endowed with a musical type of giftedness. The aim of the carried
out research is to display the specific characteristic features of the growing self-realization of
adolescents who are successful in their musical activities. Those surveyed in the research were 92
participants (46 youths and 46 young girls) aged 16 and 17 studying music in special educational
institutions for 7–10 years. All the respondents have had significant achievements in mastery
of the art of music. The study of the particularities of this group’s self-realization made use of
the “Multidimensional questionnaire of self-realization of personality” developed by professor
Sergei Kudinov within the framework of a poly-systemic conception of personality. The results
of empiric research have been subjected to quality and quantity analysis and mathematic-stylistic
elaboration. The carried-out research disclosed the specificity of self-realization of adolescents
with musical giftedness. It allows specialists in educational institutions to develop technologies
to organize the psychological and pedagogical maintenance for the youth with the consideration
of the specificity of manifestation of self-realization in the given age period of development of
Keywords: creative giftedness, adolescent age, musical giftedness, correlational plead, selfrealization.
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