Concerning the Question of Determining the Role of Artificial Intellect in Music
In the present article the issue is raised about evaluation of the use of artificial intellect in the
creation of musical compositions. By means of an interdisciplinary approach, the authors assert the
thesis about the distinction between “creativity” and the “creative process”, thereby distinguishing
the results of the composer’s personality from those created by means of artificial intellect
(weak neuronal networks). The authors dwell in great detail on the process of creating musical
compositions by using electronic computers and the latest neuronal networks. Special examples
from music history show that modern computers possess unique sound generation technologies:
for example, NSynth is able to synthesize a completely new sound, which simultaneously is
partially a flute sound and partially resembles a sitar. Can we regard these latest digital processes
in music as creativity? The authors of the article defend the position that in the present day they
can only be described as a variant of the “creative process”, which leaves the right for authorship
to the composer. The issues raised in the article are particularly relevant in the modern era which,
considering the accelerated development of digital technologies, may well pass into the era of
transhumanism, when the ongoing connection of the human and the artificial intellect would only
exacerbate these problems to a greater degree.
Keywords: music, musical composition, creativity, harmony, art, figure, artificial intellect,
neuronal network, algorithm.
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