The Contribution of Russian Music Teachers and Performers to the Development of Musical Life in Montenegro: The Second Half of the 19th Century to the Present Day

Tatjana Krkeljic


The article traces in chronological order the different stages in the development of musical
life in Montenegro in their close connection with the political and socio-economic changes in the
country, as well as in Russia and the countries neighboring it. Special attention in this regard is paid
to the rapid political changes during the formation of the Soviet Union and its departure from the
historical scene when many music teachers and performers arrived in Montenegro. Without their
contribution to the musical life of such a small country as Montenegro with its poorly developed
musical traditions the current state of music pedagogy and performance would look much more
modest. The article also shows how the readiness of the Montenegrin power to develop its cultural
policy has brought surprisingly fast results and vice versa, in the situation of absence of such support
and interest of the administrative structures of the society, in the conditions of uncomplicated and
fragile traditions, culture and music in particular quickly fall into complete decline.

Keywords: Montenegro, cultural policy, Russian-speaking music teachers, emigration,
development of music pedagogy, musical academy.

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