О XXVII семинаре Научной комиссии Международного общества музыкального образования (ISME) в Дубае

Efthymios Papatzikis


Семинар Научной комиссии Международного общества музыкального образования
(ISME) является международным академическим собранием высокого уровня, где педагоги-
учёные встречаются для обсуждения достижений в области музыки и музыкального
образования. XXVII семинар состоялся в Дубае, в Объединённых Арабских Эмиратах в
2018 году с участием представителей шести континентов. Настоящая публикация не только
содержит функциональное резюме хода работы мероприятия, но и оценивает его влияние в
Дубае и на Ближнем Востоке. Знакомство с передовым музыкальным опытом, обмен идеями
по инновационным теориям и основным практикам музыкального образования, предложение
многих конструктивных идей по совершенствованию, эффективности, сбалансированности
и устойчивости процессов мышления, а также обеспечению анализа существующих проблем
по всему миру, дало возможность ведения блестящих диалогов, сопоставления мнений, что
вылилось в настоящий праздник мыслей. Любое подобное общение, как это показано в
настоящей статье, предполагает взгляд в будущее, создавая высококачественную и разумную
платформу для глобальной коммуникации и сотрудничества.
Ключевые слова: ISME, исследования в музыкальном образовании, XXVII семинар
ISME, музыка в Дубае.

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Bentley A. Foreword. Journal of Research in Music Education. 1969. No. 17 (1), pp. 5–6.

Boal-Palheiros G., and Boia P. D. Perceptions and Practices of Music Teacher Graduates From the Porto School of Education. Proceedings of the 27th ISME Research Commission Seminar. Ed. by E. Orman. Dubai: Canadian University Dubai, 2019, pp. 1–11. ISBN: 978-0-6481219-5-4.

Brittin R. String Orchestra with a Twist: Responses to a Novel Rehearsal Structure. Proceedings of the 27th ISME Research Commission Seminar. Ed. by E. Orman. Dubai: Canadian University Dubai, 2019, pp. 12–20. ISBN: 978-0-6481219-5-4.

Brook J. Using Photo Elicitation to Examine Students’ Perceptions of a Sistema-Inspired Program. Proceedings of the 27th ISME Research Commission Seminar. Ed. by E. Orman. Dubai: Canadian University Dubai, 2019, pp. 21–29. ISBN: 978-0-6481219-5-4.

Brunkan M. Effects of Two Singers Gestures on Acoustic and Perceptual Measures of Solo Singing. Proceedings of the 27th ISME Research Commission Seminar. Ed. by E. Orman. Dubai: Canadian University Dubai, 2019, pp. 30–38. ISBN: 978-0-6481219-5-4.

Chatelain S., Giglio M., and Moor M. Teacher Techniques for Talking with Students About Knowledge Mobilized During Creative Musical Productions. Proceedings of the 27th ISME Research Commission Seminar. Ed. by E. Orman. Dubai: Canadian University Dubai, 2019, pp. 39–47. ISBN: 978-0-6481219-5-4.

Confredo D., Parisi J., and Doss J. Tradition, Camaraderie, Respect, Passion, and Performance: The Impact of Community Bands on Italian and American Musicians. Proceedings of the 27th ISME Research Commission Seminar. Ed. by E. Orman. Dubai: Canadian University Dubai, 2019, pp. 58–67. ISBN: 978-0-6481219-5-4.

Good-Perkins E. Arab Students’ Perceptions of University Music Education in the United Arab Emirates: A Discussion of Music Education and Cultural Relevance. Proceedings of the 27th ISME Research Commission Seminar. Ed. by E. Orman. Dubai: Canadian University Dubai, 2019, pp. 68–80. ISBN: 978-0-6481219-5-4.

Johnson C., and Geringer J. Timing Patterns of Professional and Student Conductors: An Exploratory Study. Proceedings of the 27th ISME Research Commission Seminar. Ed. by E. Orman. Dubai: Canadian University Dubai, 2019, pp. 81–88. ISBN: 978-0-6481219-5-4.

Kennedy R. S., Lane N. E., Berbaum K. S., & Lilienthal M. G. Simulator sickness questionnaire: An enhanced method for quantifying simulator sickness. The International Journal of Aviation Psychology. 1993. No. 3 (3), pp. 203–220. DOI: 10.1207/s15327108ijap0303_3.

Madsen C., Glaser E., Clark R., and Johnson C. Developing Desired Nonverbal Responses in Pre-Service Music Educators and Music Therapists and the Effect of Instruction on that Development. Proceedings of the 27th ISME Research Commission Seminar. Ed. by E. Orman. Dubai: Canadian University Dubai, 2019, pp. 89–96. ISBN: 978-0-6481219-5-4.

Masasabi N. A. Interplay of Cultural Musical Identities and Its Relevance to Music Education in Kenya: A Case of Kamabeka Dance. Proceedings of the 27th ISME Research Commission Seminar. Ed. by E. Orman. Dubai: Canadian University Dubai, 2019, pp. 97–103. ISBN: 978-0-6481219-5-4.

McGraw G. A New View of Vocal Learning in Infancy: Song Acquisition Predicts Accelerated Speech Acquisition and Accelerated Clarity of Expressive Speech. Proceedings of the 27th ISME Research Commission Seminar. Ed. by E. Orman. Dubai: Canadian University Dubai, 2019, pp. 104–118. ISBN: 978-0-6481219-5-4.

Mito H. School Choir Competition in Japan: Art or Athletics? Proceedings of the 27th ISME Research Commission Seminar. Ed. by E. Orman. Dubai: Canadian University Dubai, 2019, pp. 119–128. ISBN: 978-0-6481219-5-4.

Mogane K. L. Using Creative Musical Arts to Activate Creativity in Young Children. Proceedings of the 27th ISME Research Commission Seminar. Ed. by E. Orman. Dubai: Canadian University Dubai, 2019, pp. 129–136. ISBN: 978-0-6481219-5-4.

Ockelford A., & Welch G. F. Mapping Musical Development in Learners with the Most Complex Needs: The Sounds of Intent Project. Ed. by G. McPherson & G. Welch. The Oxford Handbook of Music Education. Vol 2. New York: Oxford University Press, 2012, pp. 11–30.

Ockelford A., & Welch, G. F. Mapping Musical Development in Learners with the Most Complex Needs: The Sounds of Intent Project. Ed. by G. E. McPherson & G. F. Welch (eds). Special Needs, Adult Learning, and Community Music: An Oxford Handbook of Music Education. New York: Oxford University Press, 2018, pp. 11–30.

Price H., and Orman E. Music Dynamics and Conducting Variances: Reliability and Assessments. Proceedings of the 27th ISME Research Commission Seminar. Ed. by E. Orman. Dubai: Canadian University Dubai, 2019, pp. 137–145. ISBN: 978-0-6481219-5-4.

Saarikallio S. (2019) At the Heart of Musical Competence: Music as Affective Awareness. Proceedings of the 27th ISME Research Commission Seminar. Ed. by E. Orman. Dubai: Canadian University Dubai, 2019, pp. 146–155. ISBN: 978-0-6481219-5-4.

Queiroz L. R. S., Marinho V. M. Interpreting Music Education in Brazilian Popular Culture: Challenges for Ethnographic Research. Proceedings of the 27th ISME Research Commission Seminar. Ed. by E. Orman. Dubai: Canadian University Dubai, 2019, pp. 156–165. ISBN: 978-0-6481219-5-4.

Svec C. Statistical Practices of Music Education Researchers: Analyses of Variance. Proceedings of the 27th ISME Research Commission Seminar. Ed. by E. Orman. Dubai: Canadian University Dubai, 2019, pp. 166–173. ISBN: 978-0-6481219-5-4.

Taylor D. Cultural Attitudes to Authority and Preferences for Decision-Making Systems in the Amateur Choir Rehearsal: A Feasibility Study. Proceedings of the 27th ISME Research Commission Seminar. Ed. by E. Orman. Dubai: Canadian University Dubai, 2019, pp. 174–182. ISBN: 978-0-6481219-5-4.

Tse T., and Chen J. C. W. Compositional Thinking in Classical Music Within a Computer- Mediated Composition Environment. Proceedings of the 27th ISME Research Commission Seminar. Ed. by E. Orman. Dubai: Canadian University Dubai, 2019, pp. 48–57. ISBN: 978-0-6481219-5-4.

Welch G., Saunders J., Wilde E., Mason K., Maynard L., and Knight J. Sounding Out: A Research-Based Evaluation of a Specially Designed Music Programme For Young Hearing Impaired (HI) Adolescents. Proceedings of the 27th ISME Research Commission Seminar. Ed. by E. Orman. Dubai: Canadian University Dubai, 2019, pp. 183–194. ISBN: 978-0-6481219-5-4.

Whitaker J., and Orman E. Novice Music Conductors’ Perceptions of Cybersickness While Immersed in Spherical Video Virtual Environments. Proceedings of the 27th ISME Research Commission Seminar. Ed. by E. Orman. Dubai: Canadian University Dubai, 2019, pp. 195–203. ISBN: 978-0-6481219-5-4.

Wilde, E. (2019) Education In and Through Music for Children and Young People with ADHD. In Orman, E. (Ed.) Proceedings of the 27th ISME Research Commission Seminar (pp. 204-212) Dubai: Canadian University Dubai, ISBN: 978-0-6481219-5-4

Wolf D. L., Adderley C. L., and Love K. G. Music Teacher Motivation and Satisfaction: Cross-Cultural Comparison of Australia and the United States. Proceedings of the 27th ISME Research Commission Seminar. Ed. by E. Orman. Dubai: Canadian University Dubai, 2019, pp. 213–225. ISBN: 978-0-6481219-5-4.

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17674/1997-0854.2019.3.093-103


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