- » Focus and Scope
- » Section Policies
- » Peer Review Process
- » Publication Frequency
- » Open Access Policy
- » Types of Published Works and their Priorities for the Journal
- » Order of Submission of Authors’ Manuscripts to the Editors
- » Sending Manuscripts
- » Ethics
- » Statement of malpractice
- » Conflict Situations
- » Plagiarism and Tactics of Editorial Board
- » Payment for Publications
Focus and Scope
The aim of the publication is the integration of Russian scholarship and the advancement of its authority in the international scholarly domain, the dissemination of the results of research made by Russian scholarship and their colleagues from other countries in the international scholarly domain.
– presentation of the main directions of Russian scholarship in the spheres of historical and theoretical music scholarship, a new methodology of humanitarian research works and panoramas of musicological schools of various regions in Russia;
– presentation of applied trends of Russian scholarship in the sphere of musical education and pedagogy;
– support of academic scholarship and its individual regional manifestations;
– support of publications with grants for Russian scholars
– support for young researchers – post-graduate students, candidates for scholarly degrees and titles by means of competitions of the best works with their subsequent publications in the journal and their translations into English;
– development of the journal’s International Section, which publishes translations from English into Russian by authors from outside Russia and articles by Russian authors translated into English;
– engaging for cooperation of international specialists and scholars-researchers from various countries as authors, reviewers, members of the editorial board with an expansion of the geographical range.
The Thematic Rubrics and the Focus of the Journal
Dear Authors,
The journal "Russian Musicology" offers the following subject headings in correspondence to the profile of the edition and scholarly specialization in the respective fields of study:
“Art Criticism”
Horizons of Musicology.
Musical Cultures of the Peoples of the World.
Musical Cultures of Russia.
The Creative Worlds of Musical Compositions.
Musical Poetics and Semantics.
The Musical Text and its Performer.
Musical Performance and Pedagogy.
Areal Studies in Music.
The Composer and Musical Folklore.
Ethnic Folk Music.
History of Western Music.
History of Russian Music.
Musical Genre and Style.
The Art of Contemporary Music.
Choral Music.
The Organ and Organ Music.
The Musical Instruments of Russia.
“Pedagogical Sciences”
Musical Education: Theory, Method, Practice.
Professional Musical Education.
Private School of Teaching Amateur Musicians.
“Study of Culture”
Film Music. Animation Music.
Musical Management.
Musical Culture and Synthesis of the Arts.
Music in the System of Culture.
The rubric titled “International Division” contains the following types of publications:
1) articles by Russian authors translated into English.
2) articles by authors from outside of Russia translated into English and Russian.
Section Policies
Academic Schools of Russian Conservatories
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Peer Review Process
Order of Reviewing Manuscripts
A review is a text containing a critical appraisal of a work and destined for publication (after the publication of the work), as well as for internal use to make a decision about whether or not to publish it
The publishers distinguish internal and external reviews.
An internal review is implemented by the editor-in-chief.
An internal review is based on evaluating works in terms of their correspondence to the profile of the edition, considering the question of any required additional work on the text by authors, involving scholarly and technical editors, presenting manuscripts for external reviews, etc. The editor assesses topicality of the subject, exposition of the material and the scholarly significance of the examined work.
Each kind of review contains one of the following conclusions:
1) It is possible to publish the manuscript in its present form (following the processes of proofreading and correcting the text);
2) It is not possible to publish the manuscript in its present form (it does not correspond to the profile of publication and to the criteria of a scholarly article (see Rules for Manuscripts).
3) It is possible to publish the manuscript after it has been revised and/or corrected in correspondence to the critical remarks made by the reviewers, members of the editorial board and publishers. In such cases the author shall be advised to make the appropriate changes and additions.
An external review makes it possible to obtain a more objective evaluation of a work done by experts in the relevant field.
Peer Review Process
1. The Editorial Board takes into consideration and reviewing the following manuscripts (not previously published): articles, essays, abstracts of scholarly surveys, reports on conferences, etc (see Requirements for Manuscripts).
2. The initial review is carried out by the Editor-in-Chief, who assesses the compliance of the manuscripts with the subject matter of the journal, as well as the article’s conforming to the style, format and profile of the publication.
3. Review processing is obligatory for all manuscripts submitted to the editors, regardless of the authors’ academic degrees, titles and official positions.
4. All submissions are subject to double-blind peer review by at least two specialists in the field. Review processing (peer review) is performed by members of the editorial board and external reputable scholars-experts. The reviewers involved shall be holders of PhD degrees, Doctors of Arts, Academicians, Professors and University lecturers of Higher Educational Establishments of Culture and Art.
5. The editorial board stipulates the objective process of reviewing and tracks the movement of the manuscript before putting into production.
6. Repeated review processing shall take place in the following cases:
– If the manuscript develops controversial issues which require juxtaposition of different points of view of the experts making the decision concerning its publication;
– If the author has submitted a drastically new version of the article in compliance with the critical remarks of the review within the designated time frame.
7. The review processing will take place within a period of 5 to 30 days after receipt of the manuscript.
8. The review shall note: the scholarly significance of the chosen article, relevance of the subject, completeness of use of sources and literature, depth of their analysis, effectiveness of the chosen research methods, the degree of novelty of the work, validity of conclusions, practical and theoretical significance of researching.
9. The content of the review shall be communicated to the author(s) within 10 days after receipt of the reviews by the editorial board.
10. The review processing of materials submitted to the journal "Russian Musicologyi" remains confidential.
11. The journal is based on the model of the “double-blind peer review.” This means that during the process of reviewing, personal data of reviewers and authors shall be withheld.
12. All the reviewers are acknowledged specialists in the subject matter of the reviewed texts and have had publications on the subject matter of the reviewed article during the last 3 years.
13. The reviews are preserved in the publishers' and editors' office for 5 years.
Publication Frequency
The journal is published four times a year.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access (Platinum open access) to its content on the basis of the following principles: free open access to information stimulates global knowledge sharing.
The Journal supports the Budapest Open Access Initiative (BOAI). The journal allows any user to search, read, download, copy, distribute, print, link to the full text of these articles, scan them for indexing, transfer them as data to software, or use them for any other lawful purpose without financial, legal, or technical barriers other than those that are inseparable from gaining access to the Internet itself.
The materials are available under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 Licence (CC–BY–NC–ND).
Types of Published Works and their Priorities for the Journal
The journal "Russian Musicology" accepts the following materials for publication:
1. Articles demonstrating chief results of research in the field:
“Art Studies”, “Culturology”, “Pedagogical Sciences.”
2. Scholarly thematic reviews on the topical issues of art history, pedagogy and culture studies (on request of the editorial board).
3. Discussions under the heading of “Opponent’s Tribune."
4. Reviews of conferences, seminars and symposiums.
Order of Submission of Authors’ Manuscripts to the Editors
Terms of Submission
- The authors may not submit to the journal a manuscript which was prior sent to another, as well as an article published in another journal (except in abstract form of lectures, dissertation abstracts or electronic preprints, published partially).
- The authors may not submit to the journal a manuscript which is in the state of examination for consideration of publication in another journal.
- The decision of publishing works must be made with the consideration of the consent of all the authors (in cases of co-authorship).
The order of submission of the authors’ manuscripts to the editorial board
- The author shall submit the work to the editorial board for registration and internal review. The manuscript and accompanying materials may be submitted in electronic format (e-mail: rm@gnesin-academy.ru).
- After previewing, the editor-in-chief shall send the manuscript to experts for external review in correspondence with the subjects of the author’s manuscript, (the journal is based on the model of the “Double-Blind Peer Review”. (See Rules of "Peer Review Process").
- In correspondence with the results of the internal and external reviewing, the editor-in-chief shall send recommendations for finalizing the text. The final date of submission of the text to the editorial board shall be considered to be the date of submission of the manuscript revised in correspondence with the critical remarks of the reviewer. The editorial board does not carry out any stylistic or literary revision of the submitted manuscripts. A direct motivated refusal to follow the recommendations of the reviewers may be expounded by the author in writing. In such cases, the manuscript shall be sent for additional examination by the members of the editorial board, and new reviewers shall be appointed. If the author ignores the recommendations of the editorial board, the article shall not be published, of which the author shall be notified by a letter from the editor-in-chief with the argumentation of the reasons for the impossibility of publication of the article in its present form.
- After coordination with the author, the editorial board shall send the manuscript for editorial revision. After making up the material and before submitting the manuscript to the publishing house, the author shall be sent the textual composition of articles for final approval.
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
All editions of the journal "Russian Musicology" and each author’s article shall be necessarily assigned DOI. Digital Object Identifier (DOI) used to ensure the citation references and links to electronic documents. The DOI is a unique structure comprised of a chain of alphanumeric characters. It is assigned to the document by the original publisher of the electronic publication. The ID number assigned by the DOI never changes, therefore it is ideal to create a link to the document.
Sending Manuscripts
The author shall submit the work to the editorial board. The manuscript and accompanying materials may be submitted in electronic format to the e-mail address: rm@gnesin-academy.ru
Ethical Aspects and Legal Basis of the Editorial Policy of the Journal
The editorial board bears the responsibility for making decisions about publishing submitted articles.
The decision of publishing shall be made with the consideration of the authenticity, the scholarly significance and the topicality of the examined work.
The editorial policy of the journal is based on the current legal requirements in respect of the copyright law, stated in the Russian legislation, and ethical principles, and supported by the community of the leading publishers of scientific journals.
Abidance by ethical norms and rules is mandatory for all participants of the process of publication of scholarly materials: authors, reviewers, members of the editorial board, editors and employees of the publishing house.
Upon elaboration upon the principles of publication ethics, the editorial board of the journal has been guided by the recommendations of:
- The Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors;
- The Code of Conduct for Journal Publishers and Principles of Transparency and Best Practice of Scholarly Journals;
- COPE Ethical Guidelines for Peer Reviewers
- Guidelines for retracting articles
- International standards for editors, authors and other participants of the process of publication elaborated by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE);
- Recommendations of the European Association of Science Editors (EASE).
All the participants of the process of publication of scholarly materials (authors, reviewers, members of the editorial board, publishers) must abide by the ethical principles set down below.
In case of suspicion of breaking ethical principles set out below, the editorial board shall be guided in accordance with the Guidelines of COPE.
Editorial Ethics
1. The editor-in-chief shall maintain general guidance over the edition and bear responsibility on the basis of the Statute of the Founder and the conception of the journal “Russian Musicology” for making decisions about publishing articles with the consideration of their novelty, quality of the submitted materials and their correspondence to the profile of the edition and scholarly specialization.
2. The decision of publication shall be made according to the results of scholarly reviewing and with consideration of the opinions of the members of the editorial board. When making a decision of publication, the editorial board and editor-in-chief shall be guided by the scholarly significance of the examined work, the quality of exposition of the material, as well as the correspondence of the article to the scholarly specialization, style, format and profile of publication.
3. Editorial ethics stipulates a fair and objective process of reviewing, independent of commercial interests or conjuncture-related needs.
4. Upon making the decision of publication, no type of discrimination of the authors’ rights on the basis of sex, race, ethnic background, religious beliefs, citizenship, political views shall be tolerated.
5. The editor-in-chief authorizes acceptance or rejection of a work for publication. The editor-in-chief reserves the right not to accept works carried out with deviations from present established rules or violating the requirements exerted upon authors of articles (see “Author Guidelines”).
6. A manuscript may be rejected by any one of the editors at a stage prior to the peer review, if there are solid grounds for it:
- If the expounded material does not correspond to the academic specialization of the author;
- If the article was previously published in another journal;
- If the manuscript contains substantial mistakes;
- If the principles of editorial ethics are violated by the author(s) of the article.
All submitted manuscripts, not being rejected in accordance with the above-mentioned reasons at the first stage of the consideration, the editor shall send for reviewing (see “Peer Review Process”).
7. The editor-in-chief shall accept the work in correspondence with “Requirements of the Journal”. The editor-in-chief must guarantee the correspondence of the published materials to the international standards of scholarly and editorial ethics.
8. The editor-in-chief is obligated to guarantee the high quality of the published materials and their scholarly significance, to publish corrections, explanations, apologies in case of need.
9. Upon the emergence of a conflict of interests of the editor with the author of the manuscript, the article must be given to other editor (see “Conflict Situations”).
10. Upon the detection of plagiarism the editorial board shall be guided by the rules of withdrawal of manuscript (see “Plagiarism and Tactics of Editorial Board”).
Ethical Principles in Terms of Repeated or Double Publications
1. Publication of original works presents a priority for the journal. Multifold (repeated) publications in the journal Russian Musicology are prohibited.
2. Upon the submission of an article to the journal’s editorial board the authors should communicate the editor-in-chief about previously published works or materials that are contained in the submitted articles (abstracts of theses, texts for conferences, presentations of previously published works, chapters of books). Copies of such materials must be enclosed to the submitted article, which would help the editorial board in deciding whether the submitted article may be counted as a multifold (repeated) publication.
3. The publisher reserves the right to carry out inspection in regard to publication of other articles by the authors in international databases. If it is determined that authors are attempting to submit a repeated or double publication without notification, the editorial board has the right of rejecting the opportunity of examining the manuscript. In the case when after publication of an article in a journal it would be determined that an analogous article has been published in other editions had not informed the editorial office about this, the subsequent issue of the journal will contain a notice that the present publication is disavowed.
4. Repeated publications are carried out in strict correspondence with international copyright laws and ethical norms at the discretion of the editorial board.
[1] A multifold (repeated) publication means a publication of an article the content of which in many ways coincides with the content of a work already published in a print or internet publication.
[2] Double publication is a repeated publication of previously published article.
Statement of malpractice
The statement stipulates the ethical behavior of the parties involved in the publication of articles in "Russian Musicology" journal (see: "Ethics"). This statement is based on the recommendations of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and takes into consideration the interests of the founders, presented by twelve Russian Arts Academies.
The Journal is produced and issued out on the basis of the Gnesin Russian Academy of Music
The Order of Submission of the Authors’ Manuscripts to the Editors takes into account an established quota. The territorial location of the Editorial Board does not affect the decision of publishing.
The manuscripts by authors from the founding institutions cofounders are reviewed in the first place. The authors who do not represent any cofounder shall be published in the order their articles are submitted on general terms.
Cofounders should not interfere with the professional activities of the Journal except for the cases stipulated by current legislation of the Russian Federation.
When making a decision on publication, the editorial board and editor-in-chief shall be guided by the scholarly significance of the examined work, the quality of the exposition of the material, as well as the correspondence of the article to the scholarly specialization, style, format and profile of the Journal.
The Editorial board ensures that the information or ideas, received in the process of editing and reviewing, shall remain confidential and shall not be used for commercial purposes.
Submitted and not published manuscripts shall not be used and shall not be extended to a third party without prior written consent of the author.
For more information about the ethical norms and rules for reviewers and authors see the sections: "Ethics", "Peer Review Process", "Author Guidelines", "Plagiarism and Tactics of Editorial Board".
All the articles not complying with these standards will not be published, if malpractices are proved to take place. Abusing of power by the officials against to the interests of the journal, if the act is committed because of mercenary or other personal interest, and entails a substantial violation of the rights and legitimate interests of all participants of editorial and publishing process is subject to Federal law.
Conflict Situations
Conflict of Interests
1. General Principles
The Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) in its guidelines defines a conflict of interests in the following way:
A conflict of interests takes place when authors, reviewers and editors have implicit interests that could have an influence upon their opinion about the published material.
A potential conflict of interests occurs when there are financial, personal or professional conditions that could have an effect on the scholarly opinion of the reviewer or editor and as a consequence, on the decision of the editorial board concerning the publication of the article.
2. Obligations in Relation to a Conflict of Interests
The journal "Russian Musicology" does not require a formal declaration upon the emergence of a conflict of interests. Nevertheless, it is trusted, that the author submitting the article to the editorial board of the journal, states that:
- All sources of funding for research activity are indicated in the text of the article;
- There are no commercial, financial, personal or professional factors that could cause a conflict of interests in relation to the submitted for the consideration article.
Upon the emergence of a conflict of interests the author can:
- Ask for excluding a concrete editor and/or reviewer from the process of reviewing the corresponding manuscript;
- Utter the explicit statement about a possible conflict of interests in the text of a cover letter when submitting an article to the editorial board.
Editors jointly with reviewers shall not leave unnoticed any conflicts of interests that may have an influence on the decision of the editorial board.
Upon the emergence of a conflict of interests of an editor and/or reviewer with the author of the manuscript, the article is transferred to another reviewer.
The emergence of a conflict of interests claimed by one of the participants of the process of consideration or reviewing does not mean the rejection for publishing.
All interested parties must avoid the emergence of conflicts of interests in any forms at all stages of presenting the article for publication. Upon the emergence of conflict situations in any form, the person first discovered such a conflict must immediately inform the editor and shall take all the necessary measuring for restoring infringed-upon rights.
Retracting articles
In some cases, the editorial board may decide to withdraw the article (the retraction).
The reasons for the retraction (withdrawal) of an article from the publishing house:
- revealing plagiarism in an article before or after its publication, including borrowing figures, graphs, tables, etc. (see: “Plagiarism”);
- the emergence of claims in terms of copyright on the article or its certain parts by a third party;
- revealing the fact about a prior publication of the article in another journal;
- discovering substantial mistakes in the published article, calling into question its scholarly significance.
Under such circumstances, the editorial board shall initiate an examination, and in accord with results of this examination the submitted article may be withdrawn from the publication. A public statement of withdrawing the article is written, which is signed by the editor-in-chief. A copy of the statement shall be sent to the author.
The article is not physically removed from the published edition and the file of issue on the website. The editorial board shall publish a statement about the withdrawal of the article with its placement on the appropriate page of the content of the issue on the official website of the Journal.
The editorial board shall consider with carefulness and responsibility all reasonable treatments on the subject of the violations discovered in the published materials.
The editors believe that the author and reviewer are obligated as quickly as possible to inform the editorial board about missed mistakes and violations discovered by them after publishing the article.
Plagiarism and Tactics of Editorial Board
The authors of the articles shall provide a guarantee that the submitted manuscript is an original work. If the articles make use of works and/or fragments of texts of other authors, the authors provide the corresponding citations on the published works.
All materials submitted to the editorial board in a mandatory fashion at an early stage of accepting are checked for corresponding citations on the published works in the "Anti-plagiarism" as well as via other network search engines in the Internet and only after that the articles are sent for reviewing. Upon the emergence of unidentified citations in the submitted article all cases of such an adoption are considered individually.
In the case of reasonable suspicion on plagiarism or the elicitation of techniques which allow concealment of its presence, the article shall not be accepted for further consideration. Authors shall be informed about refusing in the consideration by reason of suspected plagiarism. If plagiarism is detected in the published article, such a work is disavowed without the possibility to restore status (without physical withdrawal of the article, by publishing corresponding documents and materials on the website and in the journal in a special rubric “The Black Page”).
Characteristics of plagiarism include various forms of its presence in the text: from presenting somebody else’s work as one’s own to copying or rephrasing essential sections of other people’s works (without indicating their authorship) and up to claiming one’s own rights to the results of other people’s research.
Deliberate assumption of authorship of somebody else’s work of scholarship or art, other people’s ideas or inventions is an infringement of copyright laws and patent laws and as such may entail legal action.
The editorial board considers the following examples as plagiarism:
- Making use (citations verbatim) of any material in any amount without indicating the source;
- Making use of images, drawings, photos, tables, graphs, charts and all other forms of graphical representation of information without indicating the source;
- Making use of images, drawings, photos, tables, graphs, charts and all other forms of graphical representation of the information published in scholarly and popular publications without the accordance of the right holder;
- Making use of materials without written permission of the authors or copyright holders that prohibit the use of their materials without special approval.
The editorial board considers the next forms of incorrect adoptions:
- Reference not to the first source of the adopted text without any explicit indication of this fact (the error in determining the source);
- Incomplete list of bibliographic description of sources, obstructing their identification;
- The absence of references from the text on sources quoted in the reference list;
- Excessive citations (with references to the sources), the amount of which is not substantiated by the genre and the objectives of the article.
The editorial board strongly discourages the authors from using any technical devices for improving the assessment of the text in the context of the “Anti-plagiarism” system.
If any signs of technical modifications for the purpose of artificially enhancing the originality of the text were detected in the articles, the manuscripts shall not be published in the journal, even in the case of additional work. The editors shall communicate about all such cases to the reviewer and, if the author is employed in an educational institution, to his or her management.
Payment for Publications
Publications Free of Charge
Payment is not charged to authors.
Honorariums are not paid for publications of materials submitted to the editorial board.